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  BIG NEWS FOR SUMMER 2018!  YDB IS GOING TO BE RE-ISSUED WITH A NEW TITLE AND COVER.   MODERN MOTHERING: What Daughters Say They Need from Their Mothers Regarding Sexual Development and Its Impact on Self Worth WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON.  STAY TUNED! The Wing screening and panel discussion of the wondrous Bo Burnham film(…)

About The Book

About The Book

Based on my study of 450 women and drawing on almost 1,300 of their responses, Modern Mothering (the re-issuing of Your Daughter’s Bedroom: Insights for Raising Confident Women with a new title and cover) offers a new and unprecedented look at the mother-daughter bond. “[McFadden’s] intended goal was to create a companion piece to the classic Our Bodies, Ourselves. Mission accomplished.”–Kirkus Review

Reader Reviews >

How to Talk to Our Daughters

How to Talk to Our Daughters about Sexuality “The mother-daughter relationship isn’t static—it changes over the years. And we don’t really cross a line into being sexual, or in becoming a woman. It is a gradual process.” Hear what women have to teach us about ourselves, and why sexuality, long before adolescence and long after,(…)

Learn About The Original Study

Learn About The Original Study

The Women’s Realities Study seeks to collect from women of all ages, through a series of anonymous questionnaires, their experiences in their own words. It is a study by women for women. If helping others by sharing the realities of your life as a woman, and being curious to hear how other women respond to(…)

Talking To Our Daughters About Sexuality

Talking To Our Daughters About Sexuality

In this video, hear what daughters say they need from their mothers when it comes to learning about their sexuality, and learn how much more honest they want us to be throughout our lives together. The mother-daughter relationship isn’t static—it changes over the years. And we don’t really cross a line into being sexual, or in becoming a woman. It’s a gradual process, and both young and adult daughters are asking for our help along the way.